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The route number and official name of the road scheme, e.g. A642(M) Wakefield - Hook Moor Improvement.
The scheme's official website, usually hosted by the government body that is promoting it.
If there is any other information about this scheme that won't be obvious from its website, or that you think is particularly important, let us know here. Please don't copy-and-paste text from an official source, as CBRD does not have clearance to use material from other websites.
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We need to talk about Wisley

National Highways are spending a third of a billion pounds rebuilding one of the most congested junctions on the M25. Is it money well spent?

Oxford's Ground Zero

Oxford's Zero Emission Zone is just a trial, but transport policy in Oxford has become the catalyst for pitched battles and drawn in protestors from across the UK. What's happening to this genteel university town?

2023 end of year message

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London Congestion Charge

One of the world's biggest and most controversial schemes to manage traffic by charging for roadspace. You can drive in to London if you like, guv, but it'll cost you.